Posted on 18 March 2013 by

Photo Credit: Day 158-Tomato Bloom by Mark Sinderson used under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
By Mindy McIntosh-Shetter
Picture this situation.
The sun is out and the early summer breeze is blowing through your hair.
You are so proud of yourself.
This year you did not procrastinate when it came to buying your tomato plants.
But since you bought them early, you now have to care for them until your local frost-free date.
Well, the weather has warmed, the sun is out, there is no prediction of any cool weather and what would it hurt to get a jump on the gardening season.
So to the garden shed you go. You get out the wheelbarrow, shovel, garden rake, watering hose and any other garden tool you may need to plant your tomatoes.
You also get out your garden plan and measure off the placement of the plants. Once this done, you begin the process Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on 08 March 2013 by

Photo Credit: Pinterest Cheese Christmas tree by Blake Facey used under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
By Mindy McIntosh-Shetter
This year, I have decided to do my holiday decorating a little different.
In the past, I have filled my evergreen tree with treasure ornaments made by my children along with family collectables.
This includes homemade candy canes made from beads, little wooden backpacks, and my grandmother’s blown glass birds.
But this year, I am adding a unique decoration to my kitchen bar and that is a tomato tree.
This tree is not what one would expect. It is edible and ever changing. To start off, this tree’s form is one that can be found in many drugstores as the gumball tree. This tree is designed by pushing gumballs onto the ends of the plastic branches. This is the basic form of my tree but instead of gumballs I am going to use cherry tomatoes.
While I realize this seems a little unorthodox, Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on 04 March 2013 by

Photo Credit: Red Zebra tomato in bloom by tacobel_canon used under CC BY 2.0
By Mindy McIntosh-Shetter
Just the other day, I was asked why I raise so many tomatoes.
This past year, I simply raised 70 plants and to me that just was not enough to satisfy my hunger for the tomato (Love Apple).
But as I thought beyond the culinary delights that I could make with tomatoes, I discovered other reason why everyone should grow tomatoes.
1. They are delicious and have a culinary flexibility unmatched. Tomatoes are delicious eaten directly off the vine, juiced, canned, dried, and frozen. They are low in calories and high in vitamin C. Tomatoes are also showcased in many ethnic dishes along with American staples such as BLTs.
2. Tomatoes provide different forms of carateniods depending on color. This is another reason why individuals should grow tomatoes and not just ruby-red ones. While the red ones do contain Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on 28 February 2013 by

Photo Credit: Tomatoes by Ruthie Hanson used under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
By Mindy McIntosh-Shetter
To aid one in making and/or using their sun-dried tomatoes, I have come up with a simple recipe.
While this bread does take some time, it is well worth it.
Add your own twist to this basic recipe by adding different greens and cheeses along with herbs.
Greens, Cheese, and Sun-dried Tomato Rolls
1 cup of steamed greens (spinach, fennel, mustard)
1 cup of chopped sun-dried tomatoes
3 egg whites
3 cups lukewarm water Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on 24 February 2013 by

Photo Credit: How to make dried tomatoes by Joana Petrova used under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
By Mindy McIntosh-Shetter
In the past, I have given jars of canned tomatoes as gifts.
These wonderful jars full of summer’s delight consisted of tomato sauce, ketchup, salsa, and just good old fashioned diced tomatoes.
While these culinary delights have been appreciated and enjoyed, I decided to do something different this year.
One may wonder what else could be done with tomatoes as far as a gift. The answer is simple and consists of a preservation technique that is as old as the tomato.
The technique I refer to is drying.
Drying any fruit or vegetable can be done in two ways. One consists of using a commercial food Read the rest of this entry »
Posted on 20 February 2013 by

Photo Credit: Compost! by Lisa B. used under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
By Mindy McIntosh-Shetter
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is a saying that directly applies to gardening.
When weeds creep up, it is better to just pull them up while they are small then to put it off and be faced with a “crop of weeds” in your tomato garden.
When the first tomato hornworm is spotted, it is better to inspect the plant then for damage and other tomato hornworms then to wait for your tomato plant to be eaten down to the ground.
But there is another approach that can be used to preserve ones soil, reduce plant diseases and fertilize it all at the same time. What is this magical elixir? Green manure.
Green manure by definition is Read the rest of this entry »